Accommodation near Prague - hotels, pensions, business events
Pensions and hotels at Prague are the ideal solution in case you do not want to stay right in the busy capital city, but you need accommodation with easy accessibility to Prague. Most of the objects provide apart from the quality accommodation at Prague also wide range of sport activities. They are also suitable if you plan business events at Prague, or teambuilding in Central Bohemia. In surroundings of the capital you can also visit a number of sights - the castle Dobříš, the castle Konopiště, the castle Karlštejn ot the castle areal Ctěnice. continuing...
Hotel Garni Dobříš
Cat. ****area: Praha a okolí
web: www.zamekdobris.cz/cs/hotel-zamek-dobris
e-mail: info@zamekdobris.cz
phone: +420 318 586 411
mobil: +420 722 710 488
price per person and day from: 1350 Kč
code: CZ-015

Reservation & Show detail

The impressive building of the castle Dobříš is an unglancable dominating feature of the Central Bohemia, and attracts from its close and further surroundings all fans of history, families with kids and whole groups of its admirors. The today’s rococo appearance of the castle comes from the half of the 18th century and since then it has belonged to the line of Colloredo – Mannsfeld. The castle is running all year long and can offer you a wide and breath-taking exposition including the possibility of walking in the French park. The rooms of the castle can be also used for arranging weddings, conferences, ceremonial nights or garden parties.
Restaurant - pension Rubín Praha
Cat. ***area: Praha a okolí
web: www.pensionrubin.eu
e-mail: pension-rubin@seznam.cz
phone: +420 241 940 886
mobil: +420 739 847 391
price per person and day from: 500 Kč
code: CZ-045

Reservation & Show detail

The family pension and restaurant Rubín is located near wood in a quiet atmosphere cca 10 km from the border of the capital Prague (very good connection on the „C“ subway). During season you can find here cycloroutes, you can take a swim in a near swimming pool or in the river Sázava, adjecent woods offer the possibility of not only nice walks but also mashrooming. In winter you can take advantage of perfect cross-country skiing routes. You can visit a historical town Jílové with a renowned mining museum and gold processing.
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